Since the point seemed to be totally missed, here is something generic.
If you have aggressive people trying to get you to enter your personal information and credit card number on their tablet, you should not do it. You should not give away your personal information without checking things out first.
If these aggressive people “don’t match”, like having shirts that aren’t for the charity, give you an overseas website that doesn’t, etc. That is also a likely scam. That bit at the end of the address (.com, .edu, .net, .us, etc) helps you determine the origin. Be aware of that and don’t fall for having your information passed to/through a different country. Remember that the laws of the country where the website is hosted prevail. Not all countries have laws to protect you.
If you report this to local law enforcement, you must be insistent. Local law enforcement is usually not equipped to respond to cybercrimes. There are a few cities I’ve worked with where the PD planned out the ability to work cybercrimes. This lead to an increase in jobs at the PD, higher paying jobs with the them, and helped them use technology to their advantage. They are in the minority.
Unfortunately, it is to be expected that local PD will not investigate a suspected cybercrime. However, if you lose money to a scam, you should have a local PD report. Some financial institutions will require that as proof. This is where you must be insistent.
Stealing your identity is worse than physical theft of your money. Identity theft has a way of lingering for many years. Scammers can use your information to open accounts in your name. While you aren’t ultimately responsible, it takes years to get this corrected.
The next time some aggressive stranger tries to get you to enter personal information into their tablet, just politely decline. I would suggest a call to the local PD to have them investigate. Whether or not they do anything is not up to you. You have at least done your part to try to help others not fall into a scam.