This is another common email phishing scam. If you hit forward or reply, you’ll see that the email address it is actually:
From: AppIe Store <>
You’ll also notice the Apple is spelled AppIe. It appears to be form Apple at first glance but it is not.
These types of email are broadcast, in that they go to email accounts that may or may not use the business they are masquerading as. I had Citibank and Chase accounts when I was in college and a few years after. I still get emails about my account from them. They have been cancelled for decades.
Responding to these emails only do you harm. At a minimum, it lets the scammer know your email address is a legitimate one and they can sell it others who want to send you spam emails, like when you buy a Ford.
The latter was a mistake on my part when I got a new Ford truck. I stupidly agreed to let them use my email address. I immediately began getting flooded by spam emails for car related junk. My erroneous thought process was that Ford is a reputable established company and they would not alienate their customers for the pennies earned by selling email addresses. Even the best get conned sometimes.